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Congress Passes Bill That Would Allow Heavier Trucks On Interstate Version Of Hwy 41
Congress Tuesday passed legislation that includes a provision to ensure that heavier trucks currently using Highway 41 in Wisconsin will continue to be able to operate on it once the road becomes an Interstate. Congressmen Tom Petri and Reid Ribble introduced a similar bill last year. Congressman Tom Petri says, “This is the last step in the process that’s needed for Highway 41 between Milwaukee and Green Bay to finally become an Interstate.” The federal lawmaker from Fond du Lac says Highway 41 is a major artery through the Fox Valley and is a huge part of the regional economy. The provision was included in an appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2015. The Senate is still considering its version of the appropriations bill. The transportation appropriations bill would grandfather in trucks weighing 80,000 pounds or more that operate on Highway 41. When the bill becomes law Wisconsin’s Department of Transportation will seek interstate designation from the U. S. Department of Transportation.