Local News
Local News Briefs Thursday 10/9/14
A few more details have been released about the fire Tuesday night at Agromatic A. F. Klinzing Company at N6989 Rolling Meadows Drive in the Town of Fond du Lac. Sheriff’s Sergeant Renee Schuster says Sheriff’s deputies and Fire Departments from the Town of Fond du Lac and Van Dyne initially responded to the call at 11:30 that evening. She says he fire was contained to the storage area next to the paint shop. The structure was not occupied and no one was injured. The cause of the fire is under investigation by the Sheriff’s Office. North Fond du Lac Ambulance, Fond du Lac City Police Department and fire departments from North Fond du Lac, Oakfield, Rosendale, Eldorado, and Lamartine also assisted at the scene. Dean Birschbach is the owner of the business.
Campbellsport Woman Involved In Injury Accident
Sheboygan County Sheriff’s officials say a 46-year-old West Bend man was hurt when a pickup truck hit his motorcycle Tuesday morning at an intersection of Highway 28 south of Batavia. Daniel Czerwinski was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital in West Bend with non-life threatening injuries. Forty-nine-year-old Alexa Ganakos of Campbellsport went through a stop sign hitting the bike.
Theresa Man Pleads To Reckless Driving Charges
An 18-year-old Theresa man will be sentenced in Washington County Court later this month for causing a two-vehicle accident near Allenton that injured eight people. Sidney Lehman pled to four misdemeanor counts of reckless driving. He drove his pickup truck through a stop sign on St. Anthony Road in April of 2013 causing the crash. He hit an SUV injuring himself and three juvenile passengers in his car and four others in the SUV. The sentencing hearing is scheduled for October 30th.
Harrison Man Arrested On Meth Charges
Bond was set at $10,000 cash for a 43-year-old Village of Harrison man who was arrested for bail jumping violations Monday following a Calumet County court appearance on other criminal charges. During a subsequent search of Daniel Skrzypchak’s residence 8.6 grams of methamphetamine, packaging material, and drug paraphernalia were found. His arrest is the culmination of several months of investigation concerning drug activity at his Linden Hill address. The Lake Winnebago Area MEG Unit assisted during the search.
Sheboygan Street Closure Due To Retlaw Theater Demolition
Fond du Lac’s Public Works Department tells us that a stretch of Sheboygan Street between Main Street and Portland Avenue is closed during daytime hours. The north traffic lane and parking on Sheboygan Street will be closed to westbound traffic between South Main Street and South Portland Street. The closure started Tuesday and continues through Friday, October 17th during the daytime hours only. The south side of the street will remain open along with access from the northbound alley to Sheboygan Street and adjacent parking lots. The street will reopen to regular traffic every evening. The closure is due to the demolition of the Retlaw Theater.
Fire Station Open House Tonight
Fond du Lac Fire Chief Peter O’Leary says its unbelievable how many fire calls they get to residences that don’t have working smoke alarms. In fact the theme for Fire Prevention Week is “Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives: Test Yours Every Month!” He recommends testing your smoke alarms to make sure the batteries and the detectors themselves are working. He also says it’s a good idea to have a plan in case you ever have a fire. He says it’s important to have two ways out and agree on a place to meet outside of the home. Tonight from 5 to 6:30 p.m. the South Main Street Fire Station will have an open house. It will include several demonstrations including a Jaws of Life demonstration and Flight for Life will be there.
SAGES Charter School Hosts Community Night Tonight
The Waupun Area School District’s SAGES Charter School in Fox Lake will be hosting a Community Night at the school. Sheri Hicken is an agricultural educator at the School for Agricultural & Environmental Studies. She says the evening is about celebrating the people and partnerships that have been essential to the school’s success. Farmers State Bank will be hosting a workshop on Social Media and Protecting Your Identity. The UW-Extension will also have a workshop on Healthy, Homemade Meals & Snacks. Food samples will be available courtesy of their partnership with area growers, farmers, restaurants and businesses. Hicken says one of the highlights of the evening will be students Letterboxing projects. She says it’s a bit similar to geo caching, but incorporates area history and the students own ideas. Hours for Community Night are from 5 to 8 p.m. at the school at 200 South Depot Street in Fox Lake.
KC Chicken Dinner Tonight Benefits Local Food Pantries
The Fond du Lac Knights of Columbus will hold their 4th Annual Chicken Dinner tonight to benefit local food pantries. Jim Rieder is the General Manager for the KC Hall. He says tickets are just $10. He says with what they raise and matches they were able to raise $5,500 after last year’s dinner. The event raised $2,500, the Knights Board of Directors matched that and the state unit of the Knights contributed another $500. He says if you want tickets give them a call at 921-1290 to reserve them or stop by between 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. The dinner is from 4:30 to 7 p.m. and carry outs will be available.