Local News
Oshkosh Police Take Hit And Run Suspect Into Custody

Oshkosh Police have a hit and run
suspect in custody who hit a car Thursday evening leaving an injured
12-year-old child behind in the other vehicle. Police say the accident happened
at the intersection of Oshkosh Avenue and North Westfield Street shortly after
5:30 that night. A 33-year-old Oshkosh woman was driving the vehicle hit by a
white station wagon. The 12-year-old and three younger children was in the
woman’s vehicle. The 12-year-old was taken to Mercy Medical Center. No one else
was injured. Police posted a description of the incident and suspect vehicle on
Facebook Friday afternoon. Police received a number of tips and a few hours
later had the suspect in custody.
suspect in custody who hit a car Thursday evening leaving an injured
12-year-old child behind in the other vehicle. Police say the accident happened
at the intersection of Oshkosh Avenue and North Westfield Street shortly after
5:30 that night. A 33-year-old Oshkosh woman was driving the vehicle hit by a
white station wagon. The 12-year-old and three younger children was in the
woman’s vehicle. The 12-year-old was taken to Mercy Medical Center. No one else
was injured. Police posted a description of the incident and suspect vehicle on
Facebook Friday afternoon. Police received a number of tips and a few hours
later had the suspect in custody.